Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Apply for Portfolio Sessions

When it comes to photography, one of the biggest obstacles—whether you’re a model or a photographer—is simply taking that first step. Right now, through open calls on my website, models have the opportunity to apply for portfolio sessions. These are designed to help aspiring and experienced models build their portfolios with professional imagery. Yet, I’ve noticed that many hesitate to apply, often held back by self-doubt or fear of rejection.

But here’s the truth: hesitation holds you back more than a ‘no’ ever could.

Rejection Is Part of the Journey

One of the most common fears people have when applying for a casting, a job, or even a collaboration is rejection. No one likes hearing “no,” but in reality, rejection is not the end—it’s just a step in the process. Every successful model and photographer has faced rejections along the way. What sets them apart is their ability to move forward despite it.

If you don’t apply, you’re rejecting yourself before anyone else even gets the chance.

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Christoph Marti Photography Fotograf 260

You Never Know Until You Try

Many of the models I’ve worked with started out unsure if they were “good enough” or if they “fit the look.” But the only way to find out is to put yourself out there. Some of the most striking images come from individuals who took that leap despite their doubts.

Photography isn’t just about technical skills; it’s about connection, energy, and confidence. Sometimes, the best collaborations come from unexpected places. A model might think they don’t fit a certain style, only to discover that their uniqueness is exactly what makes a shot stand out.

Overcoming the Fear of Applying

If you’ve been considering applying for a portfolio session but keep putting it off, ask yourself why. Is it fear of not being chosen? Worrying about how you’ll compare to others? The best way to combat these fears is to shift your perspective:

  • Every application is a chance to grow, whether you get selected or not.
  • A rejection isn’t personal—it just means it wasn’t the right fit at that moment.
  • Confidence grows with experience. The more you put yourself out there, the easier it gets.

Take the Leap

Applying for an open call is simple, and it could be the start of something amazing. If you’re waiting for the perfect moment, let me tell you: there is no perfect moment. The best time to start is now.

So, if you’ve been hesitating, take the leap. Send in your application. Give yourself the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to be seen. Because the only thing worse than hearing “no” is never trying at all.

Visit my website to check out current open calls and apply today!